# Adding Adversarial Attacks


The development guidelines explain how to get started with with developing features and adversarial attacks for Foolbox.

# The Attack base class

Adversarial attacks in Foolbox should either directly or indirectly subclass the Attack base class in foolbox/attacks/base.py.

An attack in Foolbox needs to implement two methods, __call__ and repeat.

Both methods need to be implemented with the same signature as the base class. The type annotation for the criterion argument of __call__ can be made more precise, see foolbox/attacks/carlini_wagner.py for an example.

The __call__ method should return three values, a list of raw tensors (one for each epsilon) with the internal raw attack results, a list of tensors corresponding to the raw tensors but with perturbation sizes guaranteed to be clipped to the given epsilons, and a boolean tensor with len(epsilons) rows and len(inputs) columns indicating for each returned sample whether it is a successful adversarial example given the respective epsilon and criterion. If epsilons is a single scalar epsilon (and not a list with one element), then the first and second return value should be a tensor rather than a list and the third return value should be 1-D tensor.

All returned tensors must have the same type as the input tensors. In particular, native tensors should be returned as native tensors and EagerPy-wrapped tensors should be returned as EagerPy-wrapped tensors. Use astensor_ or astensors_ and restore_type.

The repeat method should return a version of the attack that repeats itself n times and returns the best result.


In practice, it is usually not necessary to subclass Attack directly. Instead, for most attacks it is easiest to subclass either FixedEpsilonAttack or MinimizatonAttack.

# The FixedEpsilonAttack base class

Attacks that require a fixed epsilon and try to find an adversarial perturbation given this perturbation budget (e.g. FGSM and PGD) should be implemented by subclassing FixedEpsilonAttack. It already provides implementations of __call__ and repeat. The attack just needs to specify the distance property (simply assign a class variable) and implement the run method that gets a single epsilon and returns a batch of perturbed inputs, ideally adversarial and ideally with a perturbation size smaller or equal to epsilon. The distance is used by __call__ to determine which perturbed inputs are actually adversarials given epsilon and by repeat to determine the run.

# The MinimizatonAttack base class

Attacks that try to find adversarial examples with minimal perturbation size (e.g. the Carlini & Wagner attack or the Boundary Attack) should be implemented by subclassing MinimizatonAttack. It already provides implementations of __call__ and repeat. The attack just needs to specify the distance property (simply assign a class variable) and implement the run method that returns a batch of minimally perturbed adversarials. For MinimizatonAttack subclasses, run gets called only once by __call__ independent of how many epsilons are given. The __call__ method then compares the minimal adversarial perturbation to the different epsilons.


You should have a look at the implementation of existing attacks to get an impression of the best practices and conventions used in Foolbox.